|Es un powerpoint bastante malillo que circula estos días por la Red. Es tan lamentable que parece que lo hubiera preparado el propio ayuntamiento para promocionar esa ‘B’ roja con la que no se identifica ni el alcalde.
3 comentarios
Ah Le Turquetto, j’ai mis un peu de temps à rentrer dedans mais une fois que j’avais passé la page 50, je n’ai pas pu m’arrêter!Bonne lecture! Avec ces deux bouquins, tu voyageras en restant à Paris
my own father was an army medic in Burma and saw the released Japanese POWs. It was then 40 years before he would buy a Japanese product.He had a Bang and Olofson TV, Kodak and Rollei Cameras, Citroen car. I don’t recall him expressing stong emotions about Japan but yes it took time for wounds to heal.
I like the idea of inviting people to sign up to bring the after church treats for a couple of months. We could give info about bagel pricing, but also give people the option of buying or making something else.